Friday, June 21, 2013

Lol, has anyone else heard about the new eyeball licking trend in Japan. Yes, you read that correctly, eyeball licking. Teens in Japan have just been casually walking up to their friends and been like *lick*. It's disgusting, very disgusting. But not as disgusting as Honey Boo Boo's mother, however. That lady scares me. 

"I'm here to eat your soul. And your twinkies"

But aside from that horrific image, there's something else that I find completely and utterly ridiculous: Naming your child after computer terminology. No lie, there's children all over the world being named Hashtag and Google. There's even a Houston, Texas couple that named their newborn New Folder. Yeah that's right, they named their child the temporary name you give to the folder that you don't really know what you want to call it because you aren't really sure what's going to go in it. They are probably going to end up forgetting to change the name and their child will be known as New Folder forever. Thanks a lot, mom. 

That's enough ranting for now, peace out, homie-G! (If you couldn't tell, I am the least street person you will ever meet. Ever.)

Hello human beings! Welcome to the blog of the century! Thanks to the first person who came to read my posts. I love you mom! Just kidding, my mom refused to read this. She says that until my blog includes gardening tips or anything she is really into, which is mostly gardening, she will not even come close to this blog..... Oh well. So, to get into this 'blog' thing, I think i should just give a outline of my life. I am a student at the JMW School for the Performing and Visual Arts, and I am in the Dance program. I have been dancing for 11 years now, and I pretty much started this blog because I got vored during English class. Well, I am going to attempt not to bore you to death (BTD), so adios muchachos! ( I speak English)